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Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, all orders (even just 1 bag) are eligible for free delivery.

No, we only deliver within UK Mainland.

No, currently all our bags are 15kg.

Yes, it is perfect for BBQ and grills.

Absolutely YES, we supply many large and small restaurants, take aways and kebab shops in London and Essex.

Yes, we comply with the Clean Air Act and we are registered with DEFRA. Our product is authorised to use within the Smoke Controlled Areas.

Our charcoal is produced by using residue wood from managed farms, using traditional methods.

Yes it does, 3 to 4 hours depending on your appliance, weather conditions (if used outdoors), etc.

Yes we would, call or email us, so we can discuss the delivery options.

Open it up, spread the charcoal, let it dry. Once fully dried, it is perfectly fine to use.

Absolutely NOT, you must NEVER burn anything in enclosed spaces. Charcoal is intended to be used outdoors only.

No. It is 100% natural product with nothing added to it.

Yes, it is a paper bag.

Please get in touch asap so we can resolve the issue.

Please do, we really appreciate that.

Please get in touch, so we can resolve the issue to your satisfaction.

No, the charcoal does not have an expiry date, it won’t “go off.” Just use as much as you need, close the bag with remaining charcoal and store it in dry place.

We hope that you find these answers helpful.